Saturday, 23 June 2018

How To Avoid Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is the end-all-be-all of mouth problems. Actually, I take that back - cancer is probably the worst thing that could happen to your mouth. But tooth decay is still really bad. Regardless, millions of people all over America are constantly suffering from tooth decay. Dental hygiene is surprisingly not a habit that everyone has adopted, even though it is relatively easy to take care of your teeth in this day and age. I never understand why people will knowingly let their teeth rot and decay in their mouths when they could so easily be taking care of them! It blows my mind. Now, I am aware that not everyone has the privilege for braces, wisdom teeth surgery, dentist visits, and all of that. However, I do know that almost everyone can get their hands on some water, some toothpaste, and a toothbrush! Still, it amazes me to see how badly some people let their teeth get. Avoiding tooth decay should be the number one priority for all people everywhere, and here are a few ways that you can start avoiding tooth decay yourself.

The first and most obvious one is to brush your teeth. And I don’t just mean to brush your teeth once in or when you feel like it - I mean brushing your teeth twice a day for at least 2 minutes. It is even preferable to brush your teeth after each meal. I know some of my friends tend to brush their teeth 3  or even 4 times a day if they are able to, because they really don’t like the feeling of food in their mouth after they’ve eaten. I don’t think you have to go that far, but it is definitely super important for you to be brushing your teeth very regularly. The toothpaste you use should preferably contain some fluoride to kill bacteria, as well as some whitening agent or ingredient to get some of those stains off your pearly whites. The last thing you would want is to be walking around looking like you just gnawed off a piece of tree bark from a nearby forest. 

Another thing you can do to avoid tooth decay is eat a more nutritious balance of meals and snacks. Limiting sugary foods is the biggest factor here, and is probably the best way to fight against tooth decay besides regular brushing. However, I get that this one is a bit out of reach for most people, including myself. I for one love sugar and would not be able to simply cut it out of my life on a whim. I would rather eat what I want and then take good care to brush my teeth afterwards. It is really helpful if you have eaten sticky, sugary foods to brush your teeth right afterwards.

This will help to prevent any cavities from forming and to prevent the onset of tooth decay. I have only ever had one cavity myself, and that is honestly surprising. I would have guessed I had a lot more from my childhood days of eating tons of candy and lying to my mom about brushing my teeth before bed - but hey, I guess it all worked out in the end. Hopefully these tips were helpful and you don’t get tooth decay in the future!

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