I honestly cannot believe how many people do not go to the dentist on a regular basis. Going to the dentist is actually a super important part of taking care of your body and mind, and not enough people are keeping up to date with their semi annual checkups. Personally, I go to the dentist once a week because I am scared of developing gum disease and not catching it early enough to be able to do anything about it. I understand that this is actually excessive and is something I am working on with my therapist, but I still firmly believe that everyone should be going to the dentist at least twice a year. If you are not yet convinced, I wanted to come onto my blog and write this article about some of the most important reasons for why you should be going to the dentist if you are not already. So get ready to feel bad about your oral hygiene if you don’t already, because I have some things to say when it comes to people avoiding the dentist.
The first thing that I would like to talk about is the myth that when people brush their teeth twice a day they are completely free from having to go to the dentist. While brushing your teeth twice a day is definitely the bare minimum when it comes to taking care of your teeth, it is true that it is not enough to completely take care of your oral hygiene.
The thing about teeth is that they are really hard to keep completely clean, especially with our sugar intense diets that we Americans love. I know from personal experience that even brushing your teeth twice a day does not completely prevent cavities. Going to the dentist is super important because they can professionally clean your teeth and get to all the places that you missed. You might have heard a dentist say that you should be regularly flossing if you are not already - this is because they are probably looking in your mouth and seeing all the places you are missing between your teeth! In case you did not know, the human tooth has 5 surfaces, and brushing only gets two 3 of them. That is why it is critical to floss regularly, preferably once a day if that is a possibility. By going to the dentist, you can ensure that your teeth are staying nice and cleaned even if you are missing places where you brush and floss (which is completely okay, since you are not a professional).
That leads me to my next point about going to the dentist. Since they are professionally trained and have studied mouths and teeth for years, they are able to see and know things about your own mouth that you would never know. You think that nobody knows your body better than you? Wrong. Dentists know and always will know way more than you ever could about your own mouth, and that is a super important fact for if you are worried about developing some sort of mouth cancer or gum disease (which you should be). Honestly, we are all at risk for developing some sort of mouth disease in which we need treatment for. If the dentist can catch these problems earlier, you are going to be a lot better off.